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Lost job between filing and 341

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    Lost job between filing and 341

    Filed March 30, 341 scheduled for May 11. My husband lost his job April 6. We are a Ch 13 and are paying back mortgage arrears in plan. First mortgage payment on paper is to be paid May 1. Now I find out that our Insurance does not have to follow COBRA laws and has different state laws and we do not have the normal election period, so that means the money I had planned for the mortgage really needs to go to COBRA due May 6. My husband has had several interviews a week and keeps going and hopes to find something before the 341. My question is: is there a way to change what is in the filing paperwork before the 341 and get the May 1 mortgage payment included in payment plan and start paying them normally on June 1?

    I do not want to convert to a 7 and loose the house. Everything was set to go to repay the arrears and some of the creditors in the 13 and if he gets a job soon, that should not be a problem. I am worried about getting through the next month and not being really behind before we start our plan.

    What will the trustee say to all of this right before our 341?
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    If you've lost all (or even half) of your income, you should amend your filing papers to reflect that. Ask your attorney about your next steps. Good luck!
    Filed Chapter 7 July 2010
    Attended 341 September 2010
    Discharged November 2010 Closed November 2010


      If I were you I would try converting to a chapter 7 why stay in the home when you don't have the income to keep up with the payments. You can buy a new home in of couple of years. Just go chapter 7 get the discharge of the debt and move on with your life. Just get yourself an apartment or some other type of rental property I understand how you feel about keeping the property but don't let it stress you out. It is a material thing and it is better to sometime walk away then to let it put you in the grave. I hope things go well for. I am sorry all this happened .


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