Provide the requested documentation to your attorney, who will know the proper method to deliver them to the trustee.
If you use the money for home repairs, regardless of the rest, you should be fine. It could be a problem though if you say you paid someone for project X yet project X has not been done. Taking pictures, as suggested already, seems a good idea. If you can't prove work done, the trustee may suspect you of hiding assets - and then he will dig deeper into your case to see what else you have been hiding.
If there is ANYTHING you have kept from your attorney, now would be the time to come clean.
If you use the money for home repairs, regardless of the rest, you should be fine. It could be a problem though if you say you paid someone for project X yet project X has not been done. Taking pictures, as suggested already, seems a good idea. If you can't prove work done, the trustee may suspect you of hiding assets - and then he will dig deeper into your case to see what else you have been hiding.
If there is ANYTHING you have kept from your attorney, now would be the time to come clean.