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I had my 341 yesterday and I am in the middle district of PA. See my post 341 today in PA that I posted yesterday. I was done in 4 minutes. Totally painless. When I arrived the TT had another questionnaire to fill out which I expected because my attorney told me in advance of the 341. There were about 22 additional questions. You will be able to answer them no problem. Mostly yes or no. Mostly about property transfers etc. You would have disclosed the info in your petition. Don't stress over the 341. Put your energy into something else. I know it's easier said than done. But believe me when I was done (in 4 minutes) I was walking out thinking 'piece of cake - why did I worry?'. Good luck to you!!
Stopped paying CC:September 2009; Retained attorney:9/9/2009; Filed Chap 7: January 18, 2010; 341 Meeting: March 9, 2010; Discharged and Closed: April 29, 2010
No. The 341s yesterday were all chapter 7. My ex recently filed a 13 In middle district of PA and he had no problem with the trustee. Good luck!
Stopped paying CC:September 2009; Retained attorney:9/9/2009; Filed Chap 7: January 18, 2010; 341 Meeting: March 9, 2010; Discharged and Closed: April 29, 2010
I am in Middle District of Pa and have our 341 meeting on 3/18. It is a 13. We have made 2 payments thus far into a 60 month plan. I am trying not to be nervous.
Chapter 13 filed: 1/22/10341 Meeting: 3/18/10 Confirmation Hearing 6/23/10...CONFIRMED27 down 33 to go
Thank you for answering. I hope yours goes well on the 18th. Please let me know. I am wondering what type of expenses you are listing? Any information will help.... I know that we are all in the same boat, and sometimes it helps to keep afloat with friends!
I'm not in the same district - but our 341 was pretty basic. I was able to listen to a few cases before ours and they were the same. We had to fill out a yes/no type questionaire - to make things go quicker. Trustee checked IDs (Don't forget your SS card!), went thru some basic questions to make sure the info in our petition was accurate.
Get mortgage modified: DONE!7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)