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Proof of income

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    Proof of income

    somt of the documents requested of me are

    - proof of income. Since I had none, is there another form I need to fill out stating that? Notarized? What constitutes a statement of no income?

    - proof of expenses. All I have are the charges with automatic payments coming out of checking. I haven't seen an actual paper bill in years. Bank statement good enough? I paid for gas with cash...never did keep receipts. Wonder what documentation is acceptable for this.

    I mailed a copy of my 2014 to trustee....the rest I bring to the 341 .. Right? Well, actually, I plan to bring my entire filing cabinet concerning all financial affairs for the last 24 months...just to be sure.

    Requested documents are usually submitted to the trustee before the 341 so the trustee can review them and ask any follow up questions at the 341. So, unless the request says otherwise, send what is requested as soon as you can. Don't bring documentation of your entire 2 year financial life with you to the 341. Bring only what is required by law (your most recent tax return, photo id and social security card) , what the trustee requested that you haven't already provided and copies of what you have already provided. If the trustee wants more, you can send it after the 341. Just send it as soon as you can.

    If you have no income, say you have no income in your cover letter submitting documents. The trustee can look at your bank statements if he wants to confirm you have no income. He can also ask you about it at the 341 where your answers are under oath, which is just as good, if not better than, a notarized statement. Did you not have income the 6 months before filing?

    If you had no income, be prepared to explain how you have paid your expenses.

    Yes, submit copies of the confirmation of automatic payments if that is all you have. But, if you are billed electronically, you should be able to download copies of bills or request them over the phone. By gas, do you mean for your car or for your home? If for your home, call the gas company and ask for copies of statements. If for your car, then you can't provide what you don't have. If the trustee thinks the expense isn't reasonable, there may be some discussion of how far you drive and for what purpose. If you have no income, then expenses aren't likely to be much of an issue unless the trustee thinks you are hiding something.

    In the future, when you post a question, if you want to avoid responses like "ask your attorney", you should either post in the pro-se forum or state in your post that you filed pro se.
    LadyInTheRed is in the black!
    Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
    $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


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