Has anyone ever gotten a student loan corporation to actually report the correct information to the bureaus? I have taken another loan to pay off Key private loans that auto-defaulted due to bk ch7. They were paid in Feb 2011. My credit report STILL says that they are currently in chargeoff with a balance for all 3 bureaus. Numerous calls to the bank just tell me "so sorry, fax all your information to this number and all will be fixed". They claim they never get my faxes and nothing is changed. I've filed 4 separate disputes with the 3 bureaus, but the reports I get back from them all say that their investigations with the bank confirm that my account is exactly how it appears on my report. So basically, I sent Key $17,580 in February, they got the money, cashed the check, sent me conformation letters saying that this happened and that my account is closed - but they are still reporting to the bureaus every month to this day that I am derogatory with a past due balance and the loan is in current chargeoff status. I can't get a credit card, banks laugh at me for auto loans. Do I need to start trying to find a lawyer? I'm really at the end of knowing what to do from here.
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Keybank Paid in Full, still reporting as charge off with a balance?
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