We were recently discharged from our Chapter 13 bankruptcy. We have read that student loans may not be discharged. I was concerned about this and today looked at our original paperwork. The student loan (private school loan through Salliemae) is listed just as any other unsecured loan on our filing at 95% forgiveness. I cannot remember at all what they said about the student loan 4.5 years ago when we started this process. Does this mean that the student loan was included and we are discharged from the student loan or does it simply mean that was the amount of interest that we paid during our bankruptcy? How is everyone else's student loan listed on their papers? Should we contact the student loan company or is that opening up a can of worms? We've had our discharge papers for a week and have not heard anything from them though my husband has emailed in months prior telling them that we were coming up on discharge and would like to set up a payment plan. They obviously could not talk to us until they received the paperwork.