We see a huge number of posts from people that are posting about credit cards that they have received, cars purchased on credit, and the like after they have discharged their bankruptcies. Of course, everyone is free to do as they wish, and some have determined that they will not live a life where they are defined by a three digit number that is arbitrarily assigned to them by an organization that will not even tell you exactly how they come to that calculation. Others, will post about how happy they are that their FICO has hit some number, but don't pay any attention to how much their emergency fund is.
Moving beyond those numbers, I wanted to know what anyone has been able to do for someone else post discharge that they would not have been able to do, or at least do as easily before.
You see, bankruptcy is a moral issue for many (if not all), and I feel for me to do anything less than to make the most of this reset that I have been allowed would be immoral.
So, has anyone been able to do something good for someone else that they would have had a difficult time with pre-bankruptcy? I have my own story, but I will wait to read some other stories first.
Moving beyond those numbers, I wanted to know what anyone has been able to do for someone else post discharge that they would not have been able to do, or at least do as easily before.
You see, bankruptcy is a moral issue for many (if not all), and I feel for me to do anything less than to make the most of this reset that I have been allowed would be immoral.
So, has anyone been able to do something good for someone else that they would have had a difficult time with pre-bankruptcy? I have my own story, but I will wait to read some other stories first.