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Has anyone ever gotten BK totally removed?

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    I have a really dumb question, what if you could get your bk deleted what would happen with all the accounts that are reporting IIB would they just continue to report or would they be changed back to the original status?
    Discharged 2/27/06, closed 6/1/06


      Originally posted by anonymuse
      How dumb do you think a creditor (**sarcasm intended**) will be when he sees 5 CCs with IIB but one without it? Do you think that they'll say--oh, those 5 are reporting incorrectly, but this one reporting correctly is the only valid one?

      After you get the BK removed, you then go back and dispute those accounts saying "there is no bankruptcy showing on my credit report, so how can these be mine?"

      Supposedly it has worked for others before....
      BUSY running my own credit repair services! Sorry I don't stop in so often any more!


        I can't see even trying to get it removed. I'm relieved that I have this opportunity to get a fresh start, but there is compromise in everything. Of course, correct things on your credit report that are inaccurate. But one of the prices I will pay for this fresh start is having a BK on my credit report for a certain amount of time.

        My posts represent hours of research on and off the web, these forums, my experience, and my opinions.


          Originally posted by wenderful
          Agreed! We are lucky that we have BK laws in this Country -- one of the consequences of having the privilege of walking away from thousands of dollars in debt is that you will have that on your credit report for 10 years.
          Thanks, I was afraid I was the only one that felt this way.

          My posts represent hours of research on and off the web, these forums, my experience, and my opinions.


            Originally posted by wenderful
            With all due respect, that is downright fraud, IMHO.

            Okay, having your BK case number or something incorrect on your credit report and getting it removed is one thing, to me that borders on fraud - but hey this is America where we can all "work" the system, but then after successfully getting that removed to claim those accounts are not yours, when you know darn well they are and use the excuse "because there is no BK on my credit report, how can they be mine"...........that is no longer "working" the system, that's fraud in my book and exactly what the link to the FTC page I posted was warning against.

            It would seem in order to keeping "working" the system without committing fraud would be to find something wrong with those accounts too.

            For all those who have been successful doing that -- more power to ya! I, for one, wouldn't risk the criminal penalties involved -- especially after the US Government just wiped out all my debt for me with a stroke of pen!

            I'm now debt free -- and have a new start -- why risk criminal charges?
            I don't look at this as fraud per say.

            If they can't at least take the decency to make sure that your case number, and all of the information pertaining to it is correct, then how is this fraud since the information itself is incorrect?

            We are all entitle to our own opinions, and mine is of the idea that if the credit bureaus can't be perfect and do their jobs correctly, all's fair in love and war. This is both.
            BUSY running my own credit repair services! Sorry I don't stop in so often any more!


              I unfortunately have mine reported with the correct case number and everything. HOWEVER, I just realized as I was writing down incorrect addresses to get Experian to remove, the address on file with my bk is one of those incorrect ones. Is address checked when you dispute the bk itself or just name and case #?
              Filed Pro-se: 01/18/06
              341 meeting: 02/14/2006
              Objection Deadline: 04/17/06
              Discharge: 06/13/2006
              Closed: 06/21/2006

              Credit cards

              06/25/06, reopened a Discover that I closed before my bk, $1500 limit
              July 2006, Target Redcard $200 limit
              August 2006, Hooters MC $1750 limit


                Ooooo u do have a point there it's like were asking for our cake and wanting to gobble it up all in on sitting. @ Wenderful
                Discharged... 2/13/07 Closed... 2/20/07
                Ochard Bank $600 Household Bank $600
                Hooters Card $1000 Target Store Card $500
                Discover HSBC $300


                  Hard work, knowing the law and knowing how to read you Credit Reports id the only way to go. You should pay $100's or even $1,000's doing something that you can do on your own. Smart credit and patience is the only way to go.
                  My credit scores:
                  Before Filing: Tr 496, Ex 496, Eq 507

                  Today: Tr 618 (+122), Ex 601 (+105), Eq 623 (+116)


                    Ok, its taken me a while to get back to this goes. I agree; one can do all this on their own without the help of a third party. But lets be real! Who has the time and follow through to ACTUALLY keep up with it all? As I said in my original post, I am doing my husbands myself, but his is very simple with only a few bad accounts. Just to clear things up. Lex. does not require fee ahead of time. Read the print. They do the work first then you pay. The 99.00 fee is delayed until they first letters are acutally sent out. You then do not get billed your first fee for another 30 days. It may not be for everyone, BUT it works for me. They are quick; and as long as you send them everything in a timely manner; they act immediately. So everyone has to make their own decision, and I don't want to sound like a commercial for lexington, but I am extremely happy. I know I will probably be paying for about a year of service to get the results I need, but I'm ok with that. Good luck!
                    Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


                      oh, and one more thing. information DOES NOT HAVE TO BE INNACURATE OR WRONG TO GET IT REMOVED. You just have to SAY that the information is inaccurate. Its up to the Credit Bureau to verify whether it is correct and if they don't verify they remove.
                      Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


                        Originally posted by cindylynnsmith
                        Ok, its taken me a while to get back to this goes. I agree; one can do all this on their own without the help of a third party. But lets be real! Who has the time and follow through to ACTUALLY keep up with it all? As I said in my original post, I am doing my husbands myself, but his is very simple with only a few bad accounts. Just to clear things up. Lex. does not require fee ahead of time. Read the print. They do the work first then you pay. The 99.00 fee is delayed until they first letters are acutally sent out. You then do not get billed your first fee for another 30 days. It may not be for everyone, BUT it works for me. They are quick; and as long as you send them everything in a timely manner; they act immediately. So everyone has to make their own decision, and I don't want to sound like a commercial for lexington, but I am extremely happy. I know I will probably be paying for about a year of service to get the results I need, but I'm ok with that. Good luck!
                        In part I agree with you, but the reality is that these people are taking money from you that after BK can you really afford to spend. There are some things you should also concider:

                        1- Did you dispute your items through the proper channels? It may sound silly, but people don't know how to properly dispute mistakes.

                        2-Would you be better off calling the FTC and having then do a little leg work for you? Alot of time items can be removed by sheer force if they are not legit, and you have correctly disputed them.

                        3-Some smaller items may just disapear from your report once you are discharged. I know what you are thining, not possible right? Wrony 100% wrong I had items that were on my reports (all 3) there are now gone after discharge.

                        These companies only want your money! They could care less about you or you future. If it takes 2 or three years of paying fees for that I'd rather leave the stuff were it is and pay my gas, calble, phone, electric, and cell phone bills, and maybe put a little away to retire on. Just my 2 cents...
                        My credit scores:
                        Before Filing: Tr 496, Ex 496, Eq 507

                        Today: Tr 618 (+122), Ex 601 (+105), Eq 623 (+116)


                          Originally posted by cindylynnsmith
                          Ok, its taken me a while to get back to this goes. I agree; one can do all this on their own without the help of a third party. But lets be real! Who has the time and follow through to ACTUALLY keep up with it all? As I said in my original post, I am doing my husbands myself, but his is very simple with only a few bad accounts. Just to clear things up. Lex. does not require fee ahead of time. Read the print. They do the work first then you pay. The 99.00 fee is delayed until they first letters are acutally sent out. You then do not get billed your first fee for another 30 days. It may not be for everyone, BUT it works for me. They are quick; and as long as you send them everything in a timely manner; they act immediately. So everyone has to make their own decision, and I don't want to sound like a commercial for lexington, but I am extremely happy. I know I will probably be paying for about a year of service to get the results I need, but I'm ok with that. Good luck!
                          I understand that your own time is worth money too. Just different perspectives that people will ultimately make their own decisions based on.
                          *** THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE--ONLY A LAWYER CAN PROVIDE THAT. ***

                          My posts represent hours of research on and off the web, these forums, my experience, and my opinions.


                            I've had lexington law for about three months. All i get are "stall letters" from credit bureaus. Essentially the bureaus refuse to investigate claiming the dispute letters appear not to be directly send by you. (of course not, the letters are send lexingtonlaw). Subsequently, no action is taken on the alleged request.
                            Has this happened to others who joined lexington law?


                              Originally posted by cindylynnsmith View Post
                              Lexington law was successful so far in removing my bk7 from experian. In addition they have removed 2 Bad accounts on TU, 14 bad accounts on experian, and 7 bad accounts on equifax. This is in only 2 months!! My scores increased approx. 50 points each. Its 39 for the basic service, but I paid the additional fees for a total of 59 so they will send letters to the creditor also. So far well worth the money!! I have a lot of accounts so they are doing mine, my husband has less accounts so I am doing his on my own.
                              Interesting, Cindy. I have ALWAYS heard everyone say something to the effect of "Do NOT pay a credit repair company, they are a rip-off!" So here you are saying something completely different and I'm actually interested. What is the total price you are paying for this service? Can you give a link to make sure I am at the right site? I'd like to check it out.

                              I have done a bit of my own credit clean up in the past and yes you can do it for free, but it's a royal pain in the butt sometimes. If a company will do a good job of it for me for a reasonable price, I'd just as soon pay them - my time is of value to me.

                              And yes, you can have accurate stuff removed. If you object to something - accurate or not- and they do not respond back within the given time period, then it has to be removed. If you can find ANYthing wrong with a listing and dispute it, and they do not respond back, they have to remove it. I'm no expert, but that is my understanding of it.
                              <<I am NOT an attorney, my comments are anecdotal only. Contact an attorney for advice>>
                              FINALLY DISCHARGED 92 DAYS AFTER THE 341! A NEW START!!!


                                I'm not using Lex Law...I'm going with someone local to assist since I like the one-on-one atmosphere. I would be hesitant to use someone located in another state. However, I've seen this company's documentation of BKs (as well as adverse derogatory accounts) being removed, so yes, it can be done. We'll see in 4-6 months if it was worth the money ($250), but I'm preparing myself to purchase a house since my company is relocating me in 6 months; playing the 2 year wait game is not an option. If this gets my scores up to where I can obtain a mortgage without paying an "out of this world" rate, it will be well worth the money to save thousands in interest.

                                My point is some people think using credit agencies is a waste of money, but if you research the company through BBB and confirm their references, it could be the best way to potentially save thousands depending on the situation.


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