Our CR's look mostly great right now... and we're now just over 6 mos post-Chap 7 discharge. We have one annoying problem on our CRs that I just can't figure out.... and I'm wondering if it even matters?
Everything on our reports pre-BK is noted as being included in the bankruptcy, or just outright disappeared, except for one collection account.
It's from RJM Acquisitions, a collection agency I'm sure many of you have likely dealt with. They show us as having an "open" account with a balance of $0.00. They show the original amount due, and the original creditor. They continually updated it every other month or so, but with a $0 balance. It does not indicate that it was included in the bankruptcy. I've tried to get it marked as closed or IIB, but the the CRAs just let it stay put. Both the original creditor and RJM were listed in our BK petition.
How can they keep reporting an open collections account with a $0 balance 6 months after discharge?
Does it matter, really, since they are reporting $0 owed anyway?
It's due to drop off in another 8-9 months anyway, so I'm not stressing about it too much, but I'm not sure I get how they can report it as an open account with regular updates. There's nothing to update.
Everything on our reports pre-BK is noted as being included in the bankruptcy, or just outright disappeared, except for one collection account.
It's from RJM Acquisitions, a collection agency I'm sure many of you have likely dealt with. They show us as having an "open" account with a balance of $0.00. They show the original amount due, and the original creditor. They continually updated it every other month or so, but with a $0 balance. It does not indicate that it was included in the bankruptcy. I've tried to get it marked as closed or IIB, but the the CRAs just let it stay put. Both the original creditor and RJM were listed in our BK petition.
How can they keep reporting an open collections account with a $0 balance 6 months after discharge?
Does it matter, really, since they are reporting $0 owed anyway?
It's due to drop off in another 8-9 months anyway, so I'm not stressing about it too much, but I'm not sure I get how they can report it as an open account with regular updates. There's nothing to update.