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I was discharged less than a month ago, and I applied for a capone cc today and was approved for $3000. First year is interest free. I am feeling great!
When the annual fee is about to be due, perhaps you can request a product change to a card with no AF. Cap1 reps say it can't be done, but all you have to do is contact the executive office (email works and I've heard facebook does too, but I don't use FB). Many people have had success with contacting the EO for a product change.
eta: Sorry, forget to say congratulations! Use it responsibly.
Chapter 7, above median, no asset. Discharged with no UST involvement.
When the annual fee is about to be due, perhaps you can request a product change to a card with no AF. Cap1 reps say it can't be done, but all you have to do is contact the executive office (email works and I've heard facebook does too, but I don't use FB). Many people have had success with contacting the EO for a product change.
eta: Sorry, forget to say congratulations! Use it responsibly.
Congtatz... It is totally possible, I got my CapOne card in April and within a month I was able to upgrade to either a Quicksilver with no AF or their Ventnue Rewards card. I took the QS card with no AF and it has better rewards than the Venture card. I did everything through their chat option on their website. Don't ask for an upgrade, go on and ask them when you can upgrade to a new product, they will chack and should give you options or a time table. I also charged 2000 and paid it off right away within the first few weeks of having the card, so I don't know if that helped my cause, plus I make a good dime as well.
Good Luck!
Filed Chapter 7: Nov 2012, Discharged Feb 2013, Closed May 2014
Post-Discharge:EQ: 665, EX: 716, TU: 674 (All Fakos)
Current FICO Scores (1/1/15): Ex: 706, TU: 690, EQ: 676
I was approved by Capital One also 2 months after Chapter 13 bankruptcy discharge $3000 limit. Thought I wouldn't be,applied online got the message about contacting me in 10 days so I thought I was denied. Forgot about it then got an email that my card was on the way. Will just be using it to get my credit score up.