Originally posted by turtle19
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All that I'm saying is, each person that files experiences different consequences/results. I had great credit for 25 years, I always paid off my cards or paid on time. It wasn't till the downturn that things changed, what annoys me about not filing sooner was I paid with savings and severance, 6 months of credit card bills while not having a job. I should have just filed a few weeks after losing my job. Instead I was too proud and thought I could turn things around, boy was I dreaming! Now I look back and think of the thousands of dollars I lost, not even mentioning my property that is getting sucked up by the trustee. All and all I'd hate to add it up but surely it's more than all the debt I had in CC's.
All of that hard work, paying bills on time and reaffirming a financed car, and leased car didn't do much to help me. My score has fallen but jumped up a few points, still not good enough or have the history to start rebuilding credit. I think it won't see anything till my BK closes, the Trustee is dragging their feet and doesn't respond to me on the status.