If you have enough cash built up in your emergency fund you will be fine. The problem/myth is that you will always pay the cc off with the next paycheck or by end of month. If you filed chp 7 and still live paycheck to paycheck with no room to save anything then something is still wrong. Sounds like you need more income? Maybe a second job to build up that emergency fund? If you have that big emergency that you put on a card and cannot pay it off it is very easy to justify why you could just make payments and keep up, eventually you will be right back in bankruptcy court.
Its a mind set that you "need" a CC, amazing when you live on cash with money in the bank how an "emergency" is different then an "emergency" that would have gone on a CC. If you do not have the self discipline to have a savings account with money for emergencies then the chances are you will not have the discipline to continue to pay off the cc every month. Something to think about.
Its a mind set that you "need" a CC, amazing when you live on cash with money in the bank how an "emergency" is different then an "emergency" that would have gone on a CC. If you do not have the self discipline to have a savings account with money for emergencies then the chances are you will not have the discipline to continue to pay off the cc every month. Something to think about.