So my washing machine decided it had enough yesterday and died. A 2.2 cubic ft front loader, I discovered this by feeling a significant amount of water still in the drum after it had ran its full cycle yesterday. Something happened to the pump, we think. Given the age of the machine, the labor acrobatics necessary to maneuver the machine to service it, as well as the scarcity of parts, the wife and I decided it would probably be feasible to go and purchase a new machine.
Now here's my conundrum. Only having a small limit CC and a car loan just 5 mos out of my Ch. 7 discharge, I need to at least consider the possibility of applying for a store credit line. Problem is, not sure who I would apply with and where I could get the best support. Any ideas from the peanut gallery?
Now here's my conundrum. Only having a small limit CC and a car loan just 5 mos out of my Ch. 7 discharge, I need to at least consider the possibility of applying for a store credit line. Problem is, not sure who I would apply with and where I could get the best support. Any ideas from the peanut gallery?