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I am so sad! I just had my 341 meeting last Friday and I have not had any offers offering me a car or a secured or unsecured card. Is there something wrong with my case?
Certainly this post is very much "tongue in cheek"?! Right???
I for one, would be very glad not to have all the email and snail mail spam that usually comes..... Don't worry, it will come by and by.... Just keep a shredder handy.
"To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."
"Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."
I'm 4 years post BK and I only received 1 offer. I have plenty of credit but I had to seek it out myself. Even today with my credit above 700 I still get nothing. I like it that way!!!
I have to ask too...are you serious? If you are, I didn't get offers until after my 341. But I hope you aren't really that eager to jump back in. You have plenty of time to rebuild. Time is your friend
A fresh start is a beautiful thing. And I'm not an attorney, just opinionated!
I would be happy if I didn't get any offer at all. About half a month after 341 and especially after discharge, I got several of them but threw them all away. Why rush to jump back to the loop again? A year after discharge I only got one offer and I only get 1 from Capital One and this is all I need.
Filed chapter 7 Jul 13, 2010 341 hearing Aug 12, 2010 Trustee's report of no distribution Aug 20, 2010 Discharged Oct 13, 2010 Closed Oct 28, 2010.