For those of you that have been discharged from your bankruptcy, make sure you monitor your credit reports at least yearly after discharge. In 4/09 our Chapter 13 was removed from our credit reports. All BK accounts removed and BK information removed. I just pulled all three CRA's via (free once every year) and one creditor started reporting in 1/11 that $299 was still owed on the account...the account was listed as closed, paid but had this outstanding running balance of $299 going back for over a year. I was floored to say the least. This goes to show you how stuff can creep back after you think things are removed so always monitor carefully after discharge.
I disputed the account as being discharged in 8/06 and it should not be appearing on my credit reports and there is no balance owed. I will see what happens...
I disputed the account as being discharged in 8/06 and it should not be appearing on my credit reports and there is no balance owed. I will see what happens...