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Guys, public savings bank has a a card that is SECURED only and will NEVER turn unsecured. SO you put say $500 there, and you've got a "real" credit card for $500 - I pray for the day when I can file. Once/when I'm thru this the ONLY!!!! credit card I ever want is the secured one from public sav bank. Why? Because if I do travel, etc., you do need one. Otherwise, I'm done with credit. i've learned my lesson guys.
Wow... the hatred and judgement on this forum is starting to make me wanna delete this bookmark from my IE. :P
BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012
I'm with Logan and Amy26 we all came here for the exact same reason, we are all at different stages and for the post-discharge folks the rebuilding credit forum should be filled with help/hope not judgment.
If your personal choice is to live "off the grid", credit less, cash only well good for you; but not all of us can or choose to do that so rather then making a comment that hold no value to the subject just stay of the forum.
Filed Pro Se: 11.12.2010 ~ 341: 1.12.2011 ~ Discharged: 3.9.2011 ~ Officially an Asset Case: 3.30.2011 ~ Last Day to File Asset Claim: 6.28.2011 ~ Trustee Final Report: 8.1.2011 ~ Asset Distribution: 8.31.2011 ~ Case Close: 11.15.2011
Yes I want to rebuild my credit. I want to open credit cards and carry low to no balances. My previous debt was not a single credit card, it was all medical combined with my husband being laid off. We hope to buy another home after a few years so I can get a good rate on a mortgage. Say what you will but yes I want to have a plan.
Filed 2/28/11 341 3/24/11 Discharge and Closed 5/24/11
Does anyone have a secured card with Public Savings Bank?
Hi Kayba,
I opened this account about 6 months after discharge for travel. They didn't pull my credit reports, but is reporting to all 3 credit bureaus. It has worked like a credit card and as long as I pay it off in full every month there aren't any fees. I heard they're charging an annual fee now, but when I opened it it was just a $75 processing fee. The only downside is when you make a large payment, they don't reduce your available credit until after 5 business days. This also applies to the initial deposit to open the account.
have a public savings credit card 300 limit and very happy with it reports to all 3 CB got it in march after my discharge..rebuilding credit is a good thing when used wisely...not going to freak over a 300 secured visa...
What happens to the money you deposited with them after you close the account? Do you get your money back? What I mean is, you use the secured card to improve your credit, then you eventually close the secured card after you have gotten unsecured cards. So what happens to your money?
Filed BK 7 Pro Se: August 2010 341 Meeting: September 2010 November 2010
Closed: January 2011!!!
What happens to the money you deposited with them after you close the account? Do you get your money back? What I mean is, you use the secured card to improve your credit, then you eventually close the secured card after you have gotten unsecured cards. So what happens to your money?
hi! If you close the account - they wait about 60 days to make sure there is nothing coming through on the card, and if your balance is zero, they will mail you the check for the amount in the savings account.