There is no such thing as credit repair. The only possible recovery is with time, just like a hangover! Be careful of the myriad Internet scams offering new identity, new 9-Digit numbers, anything like that. It is ALL patent BS and will only serve to separate you from more of your hard earned money.
I am an American living in Mexico and have a very interesting story to share. If you want to hear it inbox me or email me. This is a tale worth hearing and could be quite fortuitous to the right person. Anyone having serious money/identity problems should hear this story. It is an eye opener.
I am NOT selling anything here. Anyone who wants to hear the story is welcome to request it FOR FREE. So please, no busy body needs to report me to a mod. I don't look over your fence, please don't look over mine.
Look forward to hearing from anyone...
I am an American living in Mexico and have a very interesting story to share. If you want to hear it inbox me or email me. This is a tale worth hearing and could be quite fortuitous to the right person. Anyone having serious money/identity problems should hear this story. It is an eye opener.
I am NOT selling anything here. Anyone who wants to hear the story is welcome to request it FOR FREE. So please, no busy body needs to report me to a mod. I don't look over your fence, please don't look over mine.
Look forward to hearing from anyone...