I decided I am going to fight fire with fire. I am so very PO'd at the way my accounts are being reported on TU that if, in 45 days from today (and I marked it on my calendar in red), the corrections on my report are not made, I am filing a complaint with the FTC against each and every creditor on my credit report. My ex-significant other and I bought a van together back in November 2004. He left in August 2005 taking the van with him. I made the last payment on the van in July 2005 after which point I consulted an attorney. I know my ex well enough to know that he neglects/refuses to address his obligations, and since he left me with a huge rent payment and overwhelming power bills, I did the only thing that I could so my kids and I could survive. I paid a 100-dollar retainer for a bankruptcy attorney and saved my pennies to file before the new laws. All this time, HSBC auto finance has shown the car as never being late...until today. They are now showing it as 150 days late (he made 1 payment since August 2005) and they are not showing it as included in the bankruptcy. I tried to call them. Of course, they won't talk to me. I submitted a dispute online, but I suspect the trend will continue. My scores suck, but much of it is not my fault. I have several thousand in medical expense debt (of note is that the lion's share is for my children and my ex was supposed to have insurance on them and did not, so I was stuck with medical bills I had no ability to pay and no insurance). NCO has, for the past 2 years, refused to even give me the proper account numbers for the debts when I tried to enter into a repayment plan. They said, when I called, they had no record, but there are multiple entries on my report. There just does not seem to be any justice. I have made some very grave mistakes all on my own and I am both willing to own up to those and try not to make the same mistakes in my future, but it seems totally and completely unfair that my ex-SO is still driving the van and has not suffered any ill effects, my ex-husband has a home in Florida and here I sit with credit reports that look like I am the lowest form of human life. There has to be a better way. I just haven't found it. I wish I had had other options than filing bankruptcy, but my kids having food in their belly became more important to me than fighting with creditors when the whip came down.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Thanks for letting me vent.