The Fair Credit law says that bad credit cannot be reported for longer than 7 year, correct?
My question is...when does that 7 years start? I believe I've read that it starts once the account is 90 days late (so from the date of the 90th day past due).
What if the account is sold to a collector, does that reset the 7 years? Could it then be reset indefinitely?
If it cannot be reset, how do you find out when that 7 year start day was if the account information is not on your credit report for the original account?
My question is...when does that 7 years start? I believe I've read that it starts once the account is 90 days late (so from the date of the 90th day past due).
What if the account is sold to a collector, does that reset the 7 years? Could it then be reset indefinitely?
If it cannot be reset, how do you find out when that 7 year start day was if the account information is not on your credit report for the original account?