Warning: long post. However, hopefully others viewing this thread in the future can get a better understanding, too.
Ok, I just can't figure out if these things need to be cleared up or maybe nothing at all (everything's fine?). It just does not seem right to me, though. I've even included screenshots. These are results from my official myfico TU.
The 2 pages I'm focusing on are "2. Understanding your FICO Score" and "6. Accounts".
Understanding your FICO Score
Obviously, negatives are shown on the left in red.
"Number of your accounts that were ever 60 days late or worse: 7" - so, even though these accounts are IIB (Included in Bankruptcy), they still show as a negative indicator? Nothing in the account details show any late payments.
"Your most recent late payment happened: 1 Month ago" - Huh? On the accounts page, nothing is showing a late report. And within the past month? This is definitely wrong. Again, nothing from any of the accounts details is showing a late payment.
"Number of your accounts with a missed payment or a derogatory description: 7 accounts" - Again, this almost mirrors the 1st negative point.
Last 4th item is obvious because of the BK public record.
So, here's the accounts page summary:
I currently only have 2 active/open accounts. Most of those top rows are closed accounts long ago before the BK filing. One open account has a balance of $25. However, there are those 7 accounts with only 1 saying "Paid or Paying as agreed" near the bottom. Rest are "Unrated".
Here's a sample detail of one of the accounts (when you click on Details):
So, what is making this account indicate it's IIB? I thought the "Descriptions" was a text field and not a "flag" field flagging this account as IIB.
Summary page says $0 for balance but says Not Reported on this details page. Same goes for "Current Status": Unrated and "Past due Amount". Do these really need to be corrected at all?
Any clarification on anything is appreciated. Thanks.
Ok, I just can't figure out if these things need to be cleared up or maybe nothing at all (everything's fine?). It just does not seem right to me, though. I've even included screenshots. These are results from my official myfico TU.
The 2 pages I'm focusing on are "2. Understanding your FICO Score" and "6. Accounts".
Understanding your FICO Score
Obviously, negatives are shown on the left in red.
"Number of your accounts that were ever 60 days late or worse: 7" - so, even though these accounts are IIB (Included in Bankruptcy), they still show as a negative indicator? Nothing in the account details show any late payments.
"Your most recent late payment happened: 1 Month ago" - Huh? On the accounts page, nothing is showing a late report. And within the past month? This is definitely wrong. Again, nothing from any of the accounts details is showing a late payment.
"Number of your accounts with a missed payment or a derogatory description: 7 accounts" - Again, this almost mirrors the 1st negative point.
Last 4th item is obvious because of the BK public record.
So, here's the accounts page summary:
I currently only have 2 active/open accounts. Most of those top rows are closed accounts long ago before the BK filing. One open account has a balance of $25. However, there are those 7 accounts with only 1 saying "Paid or Paying as agreed" near the bottom. Rest are "Unrated".
Here's a sample detail of one of the accounts (when you click on Details):
So, what is making this account indicate it's IIB? I thought the "Descriptions" was a text field and not a "flag" field flagging this account as IIB.
Summary page says $0 for balance but says Not Reported on this details page. Same goes for "Current Status": Unrated and "Past due Amount". Do these really need to be corrected at all?
Any clarification on anything is appreciated. Thanks.