I picked up a Credit One Bank right after discharge. They give you a free credit score each month, I believe from Experian. My April through August scores shown at Credit One Bank have been in the 570 range.
I also subscribe to TransUnion's TrueCredit service and my scores for all three agencies have been about 80-100 points higher than what Credit One Bank was reporting for the past couple of months.
I wonder if Credit One Bank is sandbagging my score so I still stick with their low balance high annual fee card. Unless they bump my credit limit quickly I will probably dump them since I already have a better CC.
I also subscribe to TransUnion's TrueCredit service and my scores for all three agencies have been about 80-100 points higher than what Credit One Bank was reporting for the past couple of months.
I wonder if Credit One Bank is sandbagging my score so I still stick with their low balance high annual fee card. Unless they bump my credit limit quickly I will probably dump them since I already have a better CC.