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Capital One has been known to approve those that bk'ed them. It sometimes takes several attempts though. Do a search on Capital One and you will see that some got approved post bk, even having bk'ed Capital One.
This is good news thanks school.
Filed chapter 7 Jul 13, 2010 341 hearing Aug 12, 2010 Trustee's report of no distribution Aug 20, 2010 Discharged Oct 13, 2010 Closed Oct 28, 2010.
Just a little FYI people... Best Buy, Value City Furniture, ABC Warehouse, Dell Computer, and just about any jewelry store credit card are technically SECURED credit cards - meaning you are giving them permission to hold the goods you purchase as collateral until you've paid them off.
Best Buy and Bass & Associates have sent my lawyers twice asking for the reaffirm or surrender of stuff I bought from them years ago. I followed people's suggestions here and ignored them. I also had $5500 balance with Jared Jewelry but they never sent anything asking for their goods back, at least up to now.
Filed chapter 7 Jul 13, 2010 341 hearing Aug 12, 2010 Trustee's report of no distribution Aug 20, 2010 Discharged Oct 13, 2010 Closed Oct 28, 2010.