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Personal loan

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    Personal loan

    Has anyone tried to apply for a personal loan after bankruptcy? I tried to apply for a $1000 personal loan through my credit union in December and was turned down because I had Chapter 7 showing on my credit report. The reason I needed the loan was because I had to schedule surgery, I told them that but it didn't matter. They told me to try again in 12 months. Anyway I dont need the money anymore but would still like to apply for a personal loan. I have heard that having a personal loan will improve your FICO score. Is it true? I have also read that you could open a CD account at the bank and use that as collateral for the loan. Is that true? Has anyone tried this and has it improved your score?

    I've been looking into the same thing. From what I have found out so far, there are some bank and credit unions that will give you a loan if you secure it with a cd or savings acct.

    Specifically, I found a local (Atlanta) credit union that have what they call a installment savings loan. If you have $1000 in a savings account there, they will give you a loan for $1000 at an interest rate that is 2% higher than you savings account interest rate. If you don't need the loan money, you can put it in a CD and let it gain interest to make up for the interest you are paying against the loan.

    Before going to this credit union I tried a bank (Regions), and was unimpressed with what they had to offer. It sounded like I'd have to pay a fairly high interest rate on a personal loan, even when securing it with a CD. Thus... I'd recommend checking with local credit unions over your bank.

    As far as whether or not it will improve your credit score by much.... that is what I would also like to know. I can't imagine it not helping your credit score if you keep the loan out for atleast 1 to 2 years.


      Personal loans work great for buying credit if they're reported. I've had 2 a year for the past several years and they worked wonders pushing my fico's into the low 800's prior to the drama that started me down the BK path.

      I used to buy a CD for say 3000, place it as collateral for a 1 yr personal loan and then put the money from the loan into a savings account and setup an auto payment from that savings account to make the loan payment... It's fairly close to a wash between the interest so the credit doesn't cost that much...

      The trick is that you get a ding for having either 3 or 4 active installment loans. So if you already have a car payment or two being reported keep that in mind if you're trying to buy a higher score. Nothing increases credit scores more than using credit, and making diligent payments over time...
      Last edited by FijiTime; 02-25-2009, 08:59 AM.


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