I was discharged in August 2007 for Chapter 7 and now im at the point of rebuilding my credit. Immediately after the discharge I went and did the disputes, studying and making sure I was as diligent as I could be in this. I think I disputed the best I could so far. Eight days after my discharge and before my disputes were finished I REALLY needed a car.
My car had broken down two months ago and was beyond repair. I had been stuck taking public transportation for two months which was extremely inconvenient and costly. Anyways I did my research for moths prior and had purchased at a dealership that could help me even though im 1 week out of discharge. I could not wait any longer, I know the proper thing would have been to buy a beater but I didnt have 1k in cash or to borrow. I paid the price and Capital One Auto Finance has hit me with a 25% APR $559 on a 2005 Nissan Altima S with 27k miles. My friends convinced me so I signed and that was it. Heres the thing, I feel like im being screwed royally. I understand the banks position on me 1 week out of discharge but cmon whats with all these people 2 -3 months out of discharge getting 9% to 14% APR's.
I have a very good track record besides the bankruptcy and no other credit blemishes. I understand if im looking to refinance I am going to have to show that since discharge I have been good with payments on my credit report, but where do I go from here? Every where I go i cant get a loan or a credit card or even a department store card. Orchard wont give to me cause i BK'ed on them same as Capital One. Im scared to even consider getting a First Premier Card or Imagine Card. I don't have the $$ right now to make a deposit on a secured card. I really want to start with the rebuilding because Id like to refinance my car by December/January it is way too much $$$$ for me too pay every month $380 is more easier for me and even as high as $475. I cant seem to get started in the right place,any Advice is appreciated Thanks![smile](https://www.bkforum.com/core/images/smilies/smile.png)
Here is what my credit report looks like BTW as of September 3rd which im sure is updated a tiny bit higher by now. The credit account are listed from left to right TU EX EP in case you see three diffent numbers or comments on the account
BALANCES: 6236 6223 6236
PAYMENTS: 158 108 108
INQUIRIES (2 years): 31 41 16
Revolving Accounts: Accounts with an open-end term
- - - - -
- Account No.: 430437118**** 430437118**** 430437118****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0
- Type: Charge account Charge account
- Pay Status: Late 90 Days
- Past Due:
- High Balance: $326 $326
- Terms:
- Limit: $200 $200
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 12/11/2006 12/2006 12/2006
- Reported: 08/06/2007 05/12/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 1
60 Days Late: 1
90 Days Late: 1
[TransUnion] Included in bankruptcy
[Experian] Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
- - - - -
- Account No.: 444796011259**** 444796011259**** 444796011259****
- Condition: Derogatory Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $1441 $1441
- Terms:
- Limit: $600 $600
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 09/23/2003 09/2003 09/2003
- Reported: 08/30/2007 04/12/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 3
60 Days Late: 3
90 Days Late: 3
[TransUnion] Payment after charge off/collection
Purchased by another lender
[Experian] Purchased by a another lender.
Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
- - - - -
- Account No.: 517800708600**** 517800708600**** 517800708600****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Closed (Paid) Closed
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Late 30 Days Late 30 Days
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $369 $368 $250
- Terms:
- Limit: $300 $250
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 10/31/2002 10/2002 10/2002
- Reported: 09/01/2003 05/16/2004 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 1 1
60 Days Late: 0 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2003-08-01
Experian ==2004-05-16
Equifax ==2007-07-XX
[TransUnion] Closed
[Experian] Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber.
Account legally paid in full for less than the full balance.
[Equifax] Account closed at consumer's request
Credit card
- - - - -
- Account No.: 91505909****
- Condition: Closed (Paid)
- Balance: $0
- Type: Charge account
- Pay Status: Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $301
- Terms:
- Limit: $200
- Payment:
- Opened: 11/20/1999
- Reported: 04/17/2004
- Responsibility: Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2004-03-17
Experian null
Equifax null
[TransUnion] Account closed by consumer
- - - - -
- Account No.: 70011610**** 1610** 169600-100163****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Open Closed (Paid)
- Balance: $0 $0 $0
- Type: Charge account Charge account
- Pay Status: Current Current
- Past Due: $0 $0
- High Balance: $954 $954 $0
- Terms:
- Limit: $0 $0
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 12/14/1998 12/1998 12/1998
- Reported: 05/11/2004 08/21/2001 05/2004
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2004-04-11
Experian ==2001-08-21
Equifax ==2004-04-XX
[TransUnion] Canceled by credit grantor
[Experian] Account has been closed due to inactivity.
[Equifax] Closed or paid account/zero balance
- AMEX -
- - - - -
- Account No.: 04746423701131**** 04746423701131**** -04746423701131****
- Condition: Closed Closed (Paid) Closed (Paid)
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $0 $0
- Terms: 1 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 10/01/1998 10/1998 10/1998
- Reported: 12/01/2001 12/02/2001 12/2001
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2001-11-01
Experian ==2001-12-02
Equifax ==2001-11-XX
[TransUnion] Canceled by credit grantor
[Experian] Account has been closed due to inactivity.
[Equifax] Closed or paid account/zero balance
Accounts closed by credit grantor
- - - - -
- Account No.: 20123**** 20123**** 20123****
- Condition: Closed Closed Closed
- Balance: $0 $0 $0
- Type: Charge account
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $233 $233 $233
- Terms:
- Limit: $233
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 02/01/1998 02/1998 02/1998
- Reported: 07/01/1999 07/31/1999 07/1999
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==XXXX-XX-XX
Experian ==1999-07-31
Equifax ==1999-06-XX
[TransUnion] Closed
[Experian] Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber.
[Equifax] Account closed by consumer
- CHASE - CC -
- - - - -
- Account No.: 152300338423**** 15230033**** 152300338423****
- Condition: Closed Closed (Paid) Closed
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $590 $590 $500
- Terms:
- Limit: $500 $500
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 12/19/1997 12/1997 12/1997
- Reported: 12/27/2006 04/10/2006 12/2006
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2006-11-27
Experian ==2006-04-10
Equifax ==2006-11-XX
[TransUnion] Account closed by consumer
[Experian] Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber.
[Equifax] Account closed at consumer's request
Account closed by consumer
Installment Accounts: Accounts comprised of fixed terms with regular payments
- FMCC -
- - - - -
- Account No.: 3074**** 3074****
- Condition: Closed Closed
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Auto Loan Auto Loan
- Pay Status: Late 30 Days Late 30 Days
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $31185 $31185
- Terms: 60 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $519 $519
- Opened: 04/22/2002 04/2002
- Reported: 04/01/2005 08/2007
- Responsibility: Joint Joint
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 4 8
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2005-03-01
Experian null
Equifax ==2007-07-XX
[TransUnion] Account closed by consumer
[Equifax] Account closed at consumer's request
- - - - -
- Account No.: 96887933201**** 96887933201**** 96887933201****
- Condition: Open Open Open
- Balance: $6236 $6223 $6236
- Type: Educational Educational Educational
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0 $0
- High Balance: $7196 $7196 $7196
- Terms: 142 months 142 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $108 $108 $108
- Opened: 12/15/2000 12/2000 12/2000
- Reported: 08/01/2007 08/22/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 1 2 1
60 Days Late: 3 2 3
90 Days Late: 2 2 2
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2007-07-01
Experian ==2007-08-22
Equifax ==2007-07-XX
[Equifax] Student loan
- - - - -
- Account No.: 3490** 3490** 3490**
- Condition: Closed Closed (Transferred) Open (Paid)
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Educational Educational
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $7195 $7195 $7195
- Terms: 78 months 78 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $159 $159
- Opened: 12/01/2000 12/2000 12/2000
- Reported: 02/01/2003 12/20/2001 06/2004
- Responsibility: Joint Joint Joint
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2003-01-01
Experian ==2001-12-20
Equifax ==2004-05-XX
- - - - -
- Account No.: 3099** 3099** 3099**
- Condition: Closed Closed (Paid) Closed
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Educational Educational Educational
- Pay Status: Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $5195 $5195 $5195
- Terms: 48 months 48 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $141 $141
- Opened: 10/01/2000 10/2000 10/2000
- Reported: 10/01/2000 11/15/2000 06/2003
- Responsibility: Joint Joint Joint
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==XXXX-XX-XX
Experian ==2000-11-15
Equifax ==2003-05-XX
[TransUnion] Closed
[Equifax] Account closed by consumer
Student loan
- AMEX -
- - - - -
- Account No.: 04746423701130**** 04746423701130**** -04746423701130****
- Condition: Closed Closed (Paid) Closed (Paid)
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $0 $0
- Terms: 1 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 10/01/1998 10/1998 10/1998
- Reported: 08/01/2002 12/02/2001 08/2002
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2002-07-01
Experian ==2001-12-02
Equifax ==2002-07-XX
[TransUnion] Canceled by credit grantor
[Experian] Account has been closed due to inactivity.
[Equifax] Closed or paid account/zero balance
Accounts closed by credit grantor
Other Accounts: Accounts in which the exact category is unknown
- - - - -
- Account No.: 54895551**** 548955511745**** 55511745****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Late 150 Days
- Past Due:
- High Balance: $613 $613
- Terms:
- Limit: $0 $0
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 06/24/2006 06/2006 06/2006
- Reported: 06/30/2007 04/30/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 1
60 Days Late: 1
90 Days Late: 2
[TransUnion] Chapter 7 bankruptcy
[Experian] Purchased by a another lender.
Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
- - - - -
- Account No.: 54895551**** 548955510910**** 55510910****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff Collection/Chargeoff
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $1083 $1293
- Terms:
- Limit: $0 $300
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 01/19/2004 01/2004 01/2004
- Reported: 08/30/2007 04/12/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 1
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 1
[TransUnion] Payment after charge off/collection
Dispute of account information/closed by consumer
[Experian] Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber.
Unpaid balance reported as a loss by credit grantor.
Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
- - - - -
- Account No.: 1399*** 1399094**** 1399094****
- Condition: Derogatory Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0
- Type: Educational Educational
- Pay Status: Current
- Past Due:
- High Balance: $1415 $1415
- Terms: 120 months 120 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $50 $0
- Opened: 12/19/2003 12/2003 12/2003
- Reported: 04/30/2007 04/30/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 0
[TransUnion] Included in bankruptcy
[Experian] Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
Collection Accounts: Accounts seriously past due
None Reported
- Bankruptcy
- - - - -
Type: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Status: Discharged
Date Filed/Reported: 04/12/2007
How Filed: Individual
Reference #: 0715056JHW
Closing Date: 08/03/2007
Liability: $0
Exempt Amount:
Asset Amount: $0
- Bankruptcy
- - - - -
Type: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Status: Discharged
Date Filed/Reported: 04/2007
How Filed: Individual
Reference #: 0715056-DSP-08/07
Closing Date:
Court: Federal Government
Exempt Amount:
Asset Amount:
My car had broken down two months ago and was beyond repair. I had been stuck taking public transportation for two months which was extremely inconvenient and costly. Anyways I did my research for moths prior and had purchased at a dealership that could help me even though im 1 week out of discharge. I could not wait any longer, I know the proper thing would have been to buy a beater but I didnt have 1k in cash or to borrow. I paid the price and Capital One Auto Finance has hit me with a 25% APR $559 on a 2005 Nissan Altima S with 27k miles. My friends convinced me so I signed and that was it. Heres the thing, I feel like im being screwed royally. I understand the banks position on me 1 week out of discharge but cmon whats with all these people 2 -3 months out of discharge getting 9% to 14% APR's.
I have a very good track record besides the bankruptcy and no other credit blemishes. I understand if im looking to refinance I am going to have to show that since discharge I have been good with payments on my credit report, but where do I go from here? Every where I go i cant get a loan or a credit card or even a department store card. Orchard wont give to me cause i BK'ed on them same as Capital One. Im scared to even consider getting a First Premier Card or Imagine Card. I don't have the $$ right now to make a deposit on a secured card. I really want to start with the rebuilding because Id like to refinance my car by December/January it is way too much $$$$ for me too pay every month $380 is more easier for me and even as high as $475. I cant seem to get started in the right place,any Advice is appreciated Thanks
Here is what my credit report looks like BTW as of September 3rd which im sure is updated a tiny bit higher by now. The credit account are listed from left to right TU EX EP in case you see three diffent numbers or comments on the account
BALANCES: 6236 6223 6236
PAYMENTS: 158 108 108
INQUIRIES (2 years): 31 41 16
Revolving Accounts: Accounts with an open-end term
- - - - -
- Account No.: 430437118**** 430437118**** 430437118****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0
- Type: Charge account Charge account
- Pay Status: Late 90 Days
- Past Due:
- High Balance: $326 $326
- Terms:
- Limit: $200 $200
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 12/11/2006 12/2006 12/2006
- Reported: 08/06/2007 05/12/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 1
60 Days Late: 1
90 Days Late: 1
[TransUnion] Included in bankruptcy
[Experian] Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
- - - - -
- Account No.: 444796011259**** 444796011259**** 444796011259****
- Condition: Derogatory Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $1441 $1441
- Terms:
- Limit: $600 $600
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 09/23/2003 09/2003 09/2003
- Reported: 08/30/2007 04/12/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 3
60 Days Late: 3
90 Days Late: 3
[TransUnion] Payment after charge off/collection
Purchased by another lender
[Experian] Purchased by a another lender.
Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
- - - - -
- Account No.: 517800708600**** 517800708600**** 517800708600****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Closed (Paid) Closed
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Late 30 Days Late 30 Days
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $369 $368 $250
- Terms:
- Limit: $300 $250
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 10/31/2002 10/2002 10/2002
- Reported: 09/01/2003 05/16/2004 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 1 1
60 Days Late: 0 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2003-08-01
Experian ==2004-05-16
Equifax ==2007-07-XX
[TransUnion] Closed
[Experian] Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber.
Account legally paid in full for less than the full balance.
[Equifax] Account closed at consumer's request
Credit card
- - - - -
- Account No.: 91505909****
- Condition: Closed (Paid)
- Balance: $0
- Type: Charge account
- Pay Status: Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $301
- Terms:
- Limit: $200
- Payment:
- Opened: 11/20/1999
- Reported: 04/17/2004
- Responsibility: Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2004-03-17
Experian null
Equifax null
[TransUnion] Account closed by consumer
- - - - -
- Account No.: 70011610**** 1610** 169600-100163****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Open Closed (Paid)
- Balance: $0 $0 $0
- Type: Charge account Charge account
- Pay Status: Current Current
- Past Due: $0 $0
- High Balance: $954 $954 $0
- Terms:
- Limit: $0 $0
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 12/14/1998 12/1998 12/1998
- Reported: 05/11/2004 08/21/2001 05/2004
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2004-04-11
Experian ==2001-08-21
Equifax ==2004-04-XX
[TransUnion] Canceled by credit grantor
[Experian] Account has been closed due to inactivity.
[Equifax] Closed or paid account/zero balance
- AMEX -
- - - - -
- Account No.: 04746423701131**** 04746423701131**** -04746423701131****
- Condition: Closed Closed (Paid) Closed (Paid)
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $0 $0
- Terms: 1 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 10/01/1998 10/1998 10/1998
- Reported: 12/01/2001 12/02/2001 12/2001
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2001-11-01
Experian ==2001-12-02
Equifax ==2001-11-XX
[TransUnion] Canceled by credit grantor
[Experian] Account has been closed due to inactivity.
[Equifax] Closed or paid account/zero balance
Accounts closed by credit grantor
- - - - -
- Account No.: 20123**** 20123**** 20123****
- Condition: Closed Closed Closed
- Balance: $0 $0 $0
- Type: Charge account
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $233 $233 $233
- Terms:
- Limit: $233
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 02/01/1998 02/1998 02/1998
- Reported: 07/01/1999 07/31/1999 07/1999
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==XXXX-XX-XX
Experian ==1999-07-31
Equifax ==1999-06-XX
[TransUnion] Closed
[Experian] Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber.
[Equifax] Account closed by consumer
- CHASE - CC -
- - - - -
- Account No.: 152300338423**** 15230033**** 152300338423****
- Condition: Closed Closed (Paid) Closed
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $590 $590 $500
- Terms:
- Limit: $500 $500
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 12/19/1997 12/1997 12/1997
- Reported: 12/27/2006 04/10/2006 12/2006
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2006-11-27
Experian ==2006-04-10
Equifax ==2006-11-XX
[TransUnion] Account closed by consumer
[Experian] Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber.
[Equifax] Account closed at consumer's request
Account closed by consumer
Installment Accounts: Accounts comprised of fixed terms with regular payments
- FMCC -
- - - - -
- Account No.: 3074**** 3074****
- Condition: Closed Closed
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Auto Loan Auto Loan
- Pay Status: Late 30 Days Late 30 Days
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $31185 $31185
- Terms: 60 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $519 $519
- Opened: 04/22/2002 04/2002
- Reported: 04/01/2005 08/2007
- Responsibility: Joint Joint
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 4 8
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2005-03-01
Experian null
Equifax ==2007-07-XX
[TransUnion] Account closed by consumer
[Equifax] Account closed at consumer's request
- - - - -
- Account No.: 96887933201**** 96887933201**** 96887933201****
- Condition: Open Open Open
- Balance: $6236 $6223 $6236
- Type: Educational Educational Educational
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0 $0
- High Balance: $7196 $7196 $7196
- Terms: 142 months 142 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $108 $108 $108
- Opened: 12/15/2000 12/2000 12/2000
- Reported: 08/01/2007 08/22/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 1 2 1
60 Days Late: 3 2 3
90 Days Late: 2 2 2
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2007-07-01
Experian ==2007-08-22
Equifax ==2007-07-XX
[Equifax] Student loan
- - - - -
- Account No.: 3490** 3490** 3490**
- Condition: Closed Closed (Transferred) Open (Paid)
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Educational Educational
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $7195 $7195 $7195
- Terms: 78 months 78 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $159 $159
- Opened: 12/01/2000 12/2000 12/2000
- Reported: 02/01/2003 12/20/2001 06/2004
- Responsibility: Joint Joint Joint
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2003-01-01
Experian ==2001-12-20
Equifax ==2004-05-XX
- - - - -
- Account No.: 3099** 3099** 3099**
- Condition: Closed Closed (Paid) Closed
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Educational Educational Educational
- Pay Status: Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $5195 $5195 $5195
- Terms: 48 months 48 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $141 $141
- Opened: 10/01/2000 10/2000 10/2000
- Reported: 10/01/2000 11/15/2000 06/2003
- Responsibility: Joint Joint Joint
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==XXXX-XX-XX
Experian ==2000-11-15
Equifax ==2003-05-XX
[TransUnion] Closed
[Equifax] Account closed by consumer
Student loan
- AMEX -
- - - - -
- Account No.: 04746423701130**** 04746423701130**** -04746423701130****
- Condition: Closed Closed (Paid) Closed (Paid)
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Current Current Current
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $0 $0
- Terms: 1 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 10/01/1998 10/1998 10/1998
- Reported: 08/01/2002 12/02/2001 08/2002
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0 0
60 Days Late: 0 0
90 Days Late: 0 0
Two Year Payment History:
TrasUnion ==2002-07-01
Experian ==2001-12-02
Equifax ==2002-07-XX
[TransUnion] Canceled by credit grantor
[Experian] Account has been closed due to inactivity.
[Equifax] Closed or paid account/zero balance
Accounts closed by credit grantor
Other Accounts: Accounts in which the exact category is unknown
- - - - -
- Account No.: 54895551**** 548955511745**** 55511745****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Late 150 Days
- Past Due:
- High Balance: $613 $613
- Terms:
- Limit: $0 $0
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 06/24/2006 06/2006 06/2006
- Reported: 06/30/2007 04/30/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 1
60 Days Late: 1
90 Days Late: 2
[TransUnion] Chapter 7 bankruptcy
[Experian] Purchased by a another lender.
Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
- - - - -
- Account No.: 54895551**** 548955510910**** 55510910****
- Condition: Closed (Paid) Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0 $0
- Type: Credit Card Credit Card
- Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff Collection/Chargeoff
- Past Due: $0
- High Balance: $1083 $1293
- Terms:
- Limit: $0 $300
- Payment: $0
- Opened: 01/19/2004 01/2004 01/2004
- Reported: 08/30/2007 04/12/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 1
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 1
[TransUnion] Payment after charge off/collection
Dispute of account information/closed by consumer
[Experian] Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber.
Unpaid balance reported as a loss by credit grantor.
Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
- - - - -
- Account No.: 1399*** 1399094**** 1399094****
- Condition: Derogatory Derogatory Derogatory
- Balance: $0
- Type: Educational Educational
- Pay Status: Current
- Past Due:
- High Balance: $1415 $1415
- Terms: 120 months 120 months
- Limit:
- Payment: $50 $0
- Opened: 12/19/2003 12/2003 12/2003
- Reported: 04/30/2007 04/30/2007 08/2007
- Responsibility: Individual Individual Individual
Late Payments (last 7 years):
30 Days Late: 0
60 Days Late: 0
90 Days Late: 0
[TransUnion] Included in bankruptcy
[Experian] Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7,11, or 12.
[Equifax] Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Included in bankruptcy
Collection Accounts: Accounts seriously past due
None Reported
- Bankruptcy
- - - - -
Type: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Status: Discharged
Date Filed/Reported: 04/12/2007
How Filed: Individual
Reference #: 0715056JHW
Closing Date: 08/03/2007
Liability: $0
Exempt Amount:
Asset Amount: $0
- Bankruptcy
- - - - -
Type: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Status: Discharged
Date Filed/Reported: 04/2007
How Filed: Individual
Reference #: 0715056-DSP-08/07
Closing Date:
Court: Federal Government
Exempt Amount:
Asset Amount: