I currently reside in VA. My 341 meeting is in 4 weeks. I contacted my mortgage lender WellsFargo and they have agreed to allow me to reaffim my mortgage. I've never been late or missed a payment. However, my lawyer advised me that 90% of the time the judge will deny a reaffirment on a mortgage loan. As I advised to him, I can afford the payments; but got in a hole with I opended a business & had to close it within 3 years. I invested a lot of my money & used credit cards. My question is...what if the judge don't sign the reaffirment even though I want to stay in the house for 15+ years and will WellsFargo allow me to reaffirm without the judge approval? and how long do I have to wait to refinanace? I want to be able to keep my home & feel secured in knowing my payments are being recorded, etc. Please advise...I feel very overwelmed by this entire process!!!!