Chase seems to be about the worst in dreaming up all sorts of crazy reasons to deny permanent mods. They really come up with duzzies to deny since they make far more money as servicer to foreclose and resell than the incentives under HAMP. It is the investor (often us via Fannie/Freddie) that take the huge loss on a foreclosure sale.
Treasury does not approve any mods, only a month end report goes to Treasury.
If the investor is Fannie/Freddie they have to approve the final mod but usually that is easy vs getting the servicers to first say your qualified and pass on to Fannie/Freddie.
Treasury does not approve any mods, only a month end report goes to Treasury.
If the investor is Fannie/Freddie they have to approve the final mod but usually that is easy vs getting the servicers to first say your qualified and pass on to Fannie/Freddie.