Originally posted by Pjmax
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one needs to look at the full picture and each one of us are individual in what is affordable to us. if we have no other expense than a car loan we feel we can handle it. also we NEVER miss managed our money ever, illness and job loss were the contributing factors to our BK NOT overspending or over charging. we spend our saving on medical bills, we used our charge cards after we ran out of hundreds of thousands of savings on hospitals and doctors, we had nothing left, no 401, but at least a good pension and ss. we have a fixed income so nothing will change. it's been nice having no car payment for 16 years, but we need to be safe and if i have to run to the hospital for a life death situation i have to make sure the car will start. i'm too stressed to worry about that when we don't have to at this point in our lives.
magic and all those that think i should buy a used car...i thought so also until i realize when you have a critically ill person and you live in the extreme heat, you must have the most reliable mode of transportation possible.
df; remember this is my auto fund...NOT our savings
km: the rate on the used cars are substantially higher so that's a big NO
i'm with Pj, this car is 16 years old and i don't want to start throwing good money after bad. since the cost of repairs on this type of car is high before we know it we will have dropped 2-3 thousand dollars for repairs.
here's what we thought....take the loan, pay it triple monthly payments and STILL i will be able to save money on a monthly basis. it's best for us to take the 50k put it into a 6.5% investment and pay off a 5% loan and still be up 1.5% on our money. we can afford this. we are in a different place in our lives than most. how much do we need and for what?? over the past 4 years really we have replaced everything we lost, we don't want for anything, other than a younger body!!! (you can buy some of that too LOL!!)
OH! and km, yes, i really thought about all that as well. i just want to be the first owner and know the car. you never know what you are buying even if it has 20k miles on it. i want to make my own car karma LOL!
thanks for all the input!!!!