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I must be the most idiotic BKer here

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    I must be the most idiotic BKer here

    I dont think I am getting the hang of this rebuilding credit thing, and I just dont know which direction to take anymore. I feel so stupid all the time now and todays instance made me feel even more of a dumb ass. First on my previous post I DID get my credit reports from Experian and Transunion, Equifax says I need to mail them proof, which I will do soon. I looked at my reports and see alot on there that should have been inthe BK that are showing as charged off, I dont know what was in it or not thought so I dont know where to start, but anyway I went motorcycle shopping today, I have a WAMU card that shows my FICO as being 608, I went in and didnt want to feel out the app. they told me if I had a credit union to call them first before anything, so I do after 20min she told me my score was actually 572 and she could not do that. She did however say she could refi my car which is at a whooping 21.9%, she said she could take 2% off which isnt alot, but she told me that it would look like a paid auto loan if I did it that way. My question is if I do the refi, and it shows as a paid auto loan that looks good. Will I be abale to get the bike financed through them if I continue to do the same with my credit union as I do with th current car loan company? I have had them almost 2 yrs with ALL early or ontime payments, yet it doesnt seem like my score is going anywhere. I even have 2 cc's that I pay MORE than the minimum if not paying the car off EVERY MONTH, some people seem to be getting credit so easily on here and its like my credit is the little stupid kid that everyone picks on.... I just am really on the verge of giving up, I listen to everyones uplifting words that it isnt forever, and people will extend more credit to me when i show that i can pay them back but Ive been doing that and its like noone will still give me a chance to show them with anything, Im sorry about the rant here, please forgive me!
    Chapter7 Discharged: Jan.10,2007

    I'm sorry, but for layman like myself, that paragraph all clumped together was awfully difficult to read and understand. Please break it up appropriately, grammatically correct if possible, and we will be able to do more to help.


      Don't let everyone run your credit...It will hurt it...


        Don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone recovers from bk the exact same way and on the same timeline. For example, some of our members who are older have multiple old paid accounts on their credit that help pull their scores higher faster.

        You've only been discharged six months, and you already aren't paying off your cc's every month and are looking to go into debt further to buy a new motorcycle. Do you have a post-bk budget in place? Are you sticking with it? Please....I'm not criticizing - I'm just trying to sort out if you might be falling back into old patterns that led to your bk in the first place.

        As hard as it is, there's really only one reliable way to fix your credit scores - the passing of time. Time paying back your cc's in full every month. Time not taking on new debt unless it's absolutely necessary. Time living within what you make every month. Are you doing this?
        I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

        06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
        06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
        07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
        10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
        01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
        09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
        06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
        08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

        10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
        Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


          Idiotic? Naw, well I hope not because I'm in the same boat. I dispute with the credit report agencies monthly and receive responses like "entry remains, comfirmed with creditor". Really, it looks like it's going to be a long hard battle but it sure beats the situation I was in before filing.
          I completely agree with lrprn:

          Originally posted by lrprn View Post
          As hard as it is, there's really only one reliable way to fix your credit scores - the passing of time. Time paying back your cc's in full every month. Time not taking on new debt unless it's absolutely necessary. Time living within what you make every month.
          Maybe a credit card or two to make payment history and financing a vehicle if absolutely necessary.... I will probably go with necessities only strictly on a cash budget, at least until I have some fluff to fall back on.
          Filed: 12-06 341 : 03-07 (moved back)
          LD OB:04-07 no objections!! Discharged: 4/18/07
          Closed: 06/06/07 :yahoo: :yahoo:


            I belong to's score watch and took a look at my credit score history. The first month out of my BK my score was 545. Six months later it was 590. Today, 21 months post BK, I have a mid point score of 686. As previous posts mention, time will help your score.

            I recommend that you keep those cc paid off and just be patient. In MHO, I also recommend that you pass on the motorcycle until you can buy it cash or at least put down a good size down payment. Whatever you do, don't be late on anything post BK!

            BTW, what is a "stupid little kid" credit card? We probably all have one too post BK! Don't be embarrassed about what cc's you have. They are just a tool to help rebuild credit!


              Everyone makes some great points here.

              You need to take a good hard look at what's important. We all have priorities and all of us need to take care of those first. When you feel that you want to make a purchase, such as a motorcycle in this case, you need to think long and hard about whether or not this is absolutely necessary.

              I think what 1bigmistake means by "stupid little kid" credit cards are the low limit CC's with the fees that don't leave much available credit. IMO, this is a good thing for those of us rebuilding. Without too much to spend, we focus on paying off the balance and that's what makes the improvements to our credit. In fact, I feel that not being able to spend with the CC's is a really good way to keep our spending and budget in check. We're only able to spend a little, and at the same time, keep it within the budget.

              You're better off paying the debts that you currently have and allow time to heal the wounds of your BK. You've gotta keep this in perspective.
              Last edited by BassBoy; 06-19-2007, 08:35 AM.
              Bankruptcy History:
              Chapter 7 filed - 10/12/2005 - Asset
              Discharged - 02/16/2006
              Case Closed - 11/08/2007

              A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain ~ Mark Twain

              All suggestions are based on personal experience and research and SHOULD NOT be construed as legal advice as I am NOT an attorney. Always consult with competent counsel in your area with regards to your particular situation.


                Thanks for the great advise people, I guess I can pass on the MC my only thing was that $10 to fill up on a bike, vs. $60, $70, $80 to fill up my truck every 3-4 days is not fun for my budget. My credit union called to refi my car today, she said she could take 2% off, which will take me down to 19.9% I dont know she said it will look good on my credit as a paid auto loan +++++++++, but Im just unsure, has anyone ever heard of Lexington Law? How are they? Are they legitimate????
                Chapter7 Discharged: Jan.10,2007


                  Originally posted by 1bigmistake View Post
                  Thanks for the great advise people, I guess I can pass on the MC my only thing was that $10 to fill up on a bike, vs. $60, $70, $80 to fill up my truck every 3-4 days is not fun for my budget. My credit union called to refi my car today, she said she could take 2% off, which will take me down to 19.9% I dont know she said it will look good on my credit as a paid auto loan +++++++++, but Im just unsure, has anyone ever heard of Lexington Law? How are they? Are they legitimate????
                  Lexington does not do anything you cannot do yourself for a lot less money and a bit of time.
                  Filed CH7 - 10/13/05;
                  341 Meetings: 11/28/05, 3/20/06, 12/4/07 (3d time's a charm!)
                  Converted: 2/15/06 (to CH13), 10/15/07 (Back to CH7)
                  DISCHARGED: 2/15/08


                    lexington law was very good for me. I used them for a year when I new I didn't have the time to be dilegent and do it myself. Now that I am able to do so, I have cancelled their service. I was successfull in disputing the BK off all three of my hubby's reports! There is NO trace of it at all on transunion. Perfect picture when you look at it. My credit just had soooo many reports on it that it made it hard to do, so I had used them for that. Its up to you.
                    Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


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