In the local rules it says......Special provisions will include the cramdown of automobiles or bifurcation of claims. Please note that although these plan proposals should be listed in the special provisions, it is still necessary for a debtor's counsel to initiate motions or adversary proceedings in order to strip liens and cram down secured values. The Trustee is not advocating that counsel initiate said motions or AP's and leaves to each counsel their own discretion on how they wish to proceed under the new BK law. The trusteeship does make atty's aware that there are some provisions which limit the ability to strip liens and cram down values owed to secured creditors.
Not sure how to proceed here. I requested both a cramdown and the bifurcation of the claim. Any thoughts. Also I just realized the Court is closed Friday which is payday and also the final day for my installment plan. I wont have the money possibly....