i thought this would be extremely interesting and informative to those dealing with student loan debt today. it is an excerpt from an article dealing with student debt in America and what is happening to those dealing with the growing crisis in this country, and the people who are and have been effected. (click on the link below to read the entire article).

" it touches the dramatic rise in student loan defaults, the resulting spike in suicides directly attributable stress from debt stress among students, and the skyrocketing college tuition phenomenon, in which rise in college tuition has been increasing at a rate much faster than the rate of inflation -even as the quality of American education continues to plummet. Sources documenting all these claims appear at the bottom of this release -and in the research paper just published at the links below"

"Legislation to reinstate bankruptcy protections to 'private' student loans, which are ineligible for either deferments or 'income sensitive' Federal repayment plans, was reintroduced in both the House and Senate on May 26, 2011:

S.B. 1102: Fairness for Struggling Students Act of 2011
H.R. 2028: Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2011"