Ok, this is my story. (I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this but it feels GREAT to vent!)
So I lost my job 5 months ago and hubby and I were already maxed out on CCs and drowning in debt. We were barely making it and I brought in about 50% of the income, so this was a crisis for us! I started looking for a job immediately, but due to daycare costs, I couldn't accept under a certain $$$/year. So we stayed afloat using income tax refunds, stimulus checks, and various "side jobs" my husband picked up here and there. About a month ago I finally started looking into BK......and I am SO glad I did!!
We have about $26k unsecured, 1 student loan payment, a $142k mortgage bal, 1 car loan, and 1 loan secured by 2 auto titles and household goods (don't ask).
We bring in $60-70k/yr combined, or at least we did before I lost my job. So we don't want to keep the house, it was a mistake to begin with and we were not ready to buy a home. We've had it 2 years and have ALWAYS had trouble paying it.
So we met with our 1st attorney.....or his assistant anyway. We didn't like the guy at all!! He kept talking over me and ignoring my questions. And he was just plain wrong on some points and unhelpful on others.
So the meeting with attorney #2 is next week!
Now the only (slight) dilemma is that.....I GOT A JOB!! Yay!! This is great for us, but I am concerned it will screw up our "means test" and median income and all of that even though I'll have barely put in 2 weeks by the time we file. We shall see......my base is pretty low because it's sales and I'll be (hopefully) making commission so maybe it won't be too bad!!