It's hard to believe that I have been in this for 27 months. It doesn't seem real. If I were in my original plan I would only have 9 months to go. It kind of makes me sad to think that, honestly. A little over a year ago I was facing a dismissal after being laid off and then welcoming a new baby into our life. I'm not really sure what the modification changed me to though. I get conflicting information. The 13network site says 34 months remaining (estimated) and my paralegal told me that my plan was being extended to 54 months. I think that I am going to go with her value. It makes me feel a little better. I decided when I filed that my BK wouldn't be some big, hairy secret. I would rather use the experience I've had to educate my family and friends about this tool they can use when they have the desperate need to. I think that given the opportunity to do this over again, I probably would have. Though there are days when I don't feel that way. I am sure you all understand. Times when the tire blows out on your car because you just didn't have the funds available to replace it. I am looking forward to a good year and I am considering filing another modification to bring up my payments and possibly pay this off faster. I can't suggest this to all people because it only works in 100% payback plans but I really would like to be out of this and able to move out of my craphole apartment. Anyway.. Now is a time of celebration and I think that I definitely will. Just not this month because we are broke, lol.. Maybe in 27 months.

- Now I'm Down In It-