Well, I used my Tax Stimulus Rebate and made an appointment with an attorney I interviewed almost a year ago. I paid him a $500 retainer even though I could have paid him in full. It was weird because we've gotten kind of used to the way things are going and I still felt reluctant to actually go ahead and file. His assistant callled back a couple of days later with my Petitian ready to sign but I want to go over it carefully before I do.

The funny part was how the attorney thought I was so well prepared. He was also amazed with my attitude regarding the phone calls and all. I told him it had been easier to deal with than I expected and I guess he doesn't hear that too often. What amazed me is when he suggested that I might consider postponing Bankruptcy. He suggested that if I had made it this far so easily I might be able to make it another three to six years and then I'll be beyond any Statute of Limitations.