I have a well organized directory structure on my PC. I back it up DAILY as I have filed pro se and my entire case and history are there.
Here's how I have mine set up (NOTE: the "00" and "01" numbers are for SORTING purposes.):
- 00 00 Pending Motions -- these are "shortcuts" to actual pending documents (which stay in their respective folder)
- 00 00 CASE XX-XXXXX-XXX -- contains everything filed and received from PACER (notices, orders, etc)
- 00 01 FOR TRUSTEE -- for the Trustee
- 00 01 TO DO - IMPORTANT -- Other Than Motions, Objections
- 00 02 PLAN -- The Plan
- 00 03 CLAIMS -- Claims (see below)
- 00 04 FILED -- Documents FILED with the Court (organized into sub-folder with the date -- e.g. 20080824)
- 00 05 MOTIONS -- Drafts of Motions
- 00 88 STATE STATUTES -- Statutes
- 00 99 OTHER -- Junk
- DOCUMENTATION -- contains the actual claim and supporting documentation submitted by the creditor
- OBJECTION -- ONLY if I objected to it
- NO OBJECTION -- A Blank Folder if NOT objected to
That's pretty much it for the organization. I also have a master Spreadsheet which tracks money I spent on delivery (service) to creditors, attorneys and other contact information. I also have a Form B22C in a spreadsheet to do quick what-if calculations, as well as a "payments" spreadsheet which will also tell me what happens if I modify a payment to a creditor.
Notice!!! When using PACER, it will save files with the SAME filename. The standard filename on pacer is opn_view.pdf. When you save it, make sure to use a name which represents what it is. I usually use the "CAPTION" information on the document (e.g. ABC BANK OBJECTION TO CONFIRMATION OF PLAN.pdf).
Let's see... more things to note. I have the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure bookmarked into my browser http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frbp
Of course, I have my local District's site as well. The Bookmarks are organized too for easy finding. Don't just have a bunch of bookmarks laying around, you'll never find stuff that way.
You MUST stay organized if you're a pro se filer, and it doesn't hurt to be organized if you have a lawyer.
There is no criteria for comparables that I know of. It's all very subjective! Generally comparables should be of similar type and size and in the same "area". Most of it is common sense... but it's still subjective and therefore subject to scrutiny.