My life has changed so much in the past year and a half. After 23 years of marriage my husband wanted a divorce. He talked me out of going to an attorney because he said we could do it ourselves. We had been running a small communications company during all those years. Anyway, I refinanced my home to pay him 150K in equity. The divorce was final 9/08. Anyway, on day he left only $600. in the business account which was our only money. A few months later as I was cleaning out some files I discovered he had been taking money the whole time we ran the business. Fast forward, I sued and the case was dismissed without prejudice. By that time I had charged over $18.K in legal fees. These charges were made in December 09. This on top of the huge mortgage I now have, has devastated me financially. I have had such bad luck with the legal system, I'm afraid to go forward with the bankruptcy. I'm so afraid if I forget something, my case will be dismissed or something. How often does that actually happen? I fully intended to pay everything back however, with the economy being what it is I am at least three months late on most of the credit cards. I get calls constantly and although I ignore them, it's pretty intimidating. I keep expecting someone at my door with a summons.
I am having such a hard time right now with the realization I have file Chapter 7 in the very near future. I can't afford another attorney so I'm filing Pro Se.
I kept a credit card current so I could use it to try and survive. Today I received a letter from Capital One my limit was reduced 60%. They checked my credit as they apparently do from time to time and noticed I was delinquent on the others. Now I'm really scared, how am I going to survive. I've managed to stay current on my home. Anyway I've had to charge things like food, gas and have paid utilities with this card in the past 45 days. I'm afraid I'm going to rush filing because the creditors may start suing me. How long does that part usually take? I've been reading these blogs for a couple of months now and never posted. I feel
I could use a little hand holding. Does life ever feel normal again?
Today is May 10,2010, how long should I wait to file based on my current credit card use. Will the trustee consider the fact most charges were for necessities such as food, gas and utilities or will I get slammed if I file too soon? Can anyone offer some guidance on this?
I'm sure I'm not the only one going through this. My thought was to wait until the end of July. Can creditors sue before then?