Originally posted by AskYourITGuy View Post
Well, American Express collection hired law firm that won’t talk to my Debt consolidate councilor, and filed law suit against me, the A/E hired law firm won’t respond and return phone calls until the week before that I have to appear in court, make it absolutely no room for us to work out with negotiation, finally 3 days before court day, they came up with a 100% payback installment plan, first a 1000.00 initial payment, and 500 per month until the balance pay off. But still they would not release me from court appearing tomorrow. Tomorrow I will appear in court.

I will continue to ask everyone still have American Express card, please cut it up and close the account, go to your local bank get a different card is way better then being tired up with the A/E leash.
they dont like you, they only like your money.
you are not a customer to them, you are only known to them as someone they loan money out to you.

customer service is for loaning out money only, there is none available when they are trying to collect......